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Acupuncture is the stimulation of strategic points on the surface of the body with thin, solid, metal filaments in order to promote proper function and health of the body, restore energetic balance, and alleviate sickness and disease. Points are chosen based on an individual's presenting diagnosis, which is determined through discussing signs and symptoms, examining the tongue, and feeling different positions in your pulse. 90 and 60-minute acupuncture treatments are available, and often include the use of another modality to enhance the effects of the acupuncture. Check out our FAQ section for more information!
Auriculotherapy is the use of acupuncture points in the ears and is based on the concept that the ear is a microsystem that reflects the entire body, including the face, spine, and internal organs. Auricular acupuncture is effective for a variety of concerns ranging from pain to calming the mind and alleviating stress and anxiety. The NADA Protocol is a well-known form of auriculotherapy that uses 5 points on each ear to help in the treatment of substance use and is beneficial for reducing cravings, lessening withdrawal symptoms, and improving sleep. 30-minute auriculotherapy treatments are available.
Cupping therapy is an ancient therapy that uses plastic, glass, or silicone cups to create a partial vacuum, causing the rising and reddening of skin and expansion of blood vessels in order to increase blood and fluid circulation to an area, decrease pain and inflammation, remove toxins, and relax muscles. Cupping is commonly used for muscular pain and tightness, asthma, common cold, chronic cough, indigestion, and some skin conditions. 30-minute cupping treatments are available.
Gua Sha is a technique that uses a rounded-edge tool to scrape along lubricated skin in order to remove blockages, reduce pain and inflammation, and increase circulation. This may result in sha, or reddish, elevated skin markings, that may look similar to bruising. This is the surfacing of stagnation and will normally resolve within 3-5 days. Gua Sha is a great treatment tool for acute and chronic pain, headaches, fever, colds, and more. 30-minute Gua Sha treatments are available.
Herbal medicine, as described in the Chinese Materia Medica, a pharmacological reference book, is the use of medicinal substances in the promotion of health or in the treatment of disease. These substances include plant parts, minerals, and may include animal products, and can be administered via teas, capsules, liquid extracts, granules, or powders. 30-minute herbal consults are available, and exclude the price of herbs. Please inform your practitioner if you are vegetarian or vegan. Also, please be advised that at Healing Point Wellness Center, we do not condone or promote the use of endangered species or any animal in our herbal formulas.
Reiki is a Japanese technique for stress reduction and relaxation that also promotes healing. It is administered by "laying on of hands" and is based on the theory that an unseen life force energy flows through us and is what causes us to be alive. Reiki helps promote proper movement of this energy throughout our body.
Vibrational Sound Therapy is a powerful, non-invasive modality designed to promote deep relaxation, healing, and balance using custom engineered therapeutic singing bowls placed directly on the body. If you’re experiencing stress, chronic pain, difficulty sleeping or mental fog, this gentle yet effective practice may provide the relief that you are seeking.
Acupressure is similar to acupuncture as it also stimulates strategic acupoints, bringing about the body’s ability to rebalance and promote health. Acupressure, however, uses pressure as the stimulus, and can promote blood flow and release muscular tension. Acupressure can be used as a less invasive approach, and is great for sensitive areas or in the treatment of children.
Ear seeds are small seeds or beads that are used to stimulate acupressure points on your ears. Typically, ear seeds can be left on the ears for 3-5 days after placement to prolong the effects of acupuncture. They can also be used as a stand-alone acupressure treatment. Ear seeds kits are also available for purchase for varying concerns including anxiety, headaches, weight loss, and more.
Electrical stimulation, or electro-acupuncture, is when an electrical charge is applied to specific acupoints, creating a light vibration or pulsating sensation. The points are continuously stimulated in this way for 10-20 minutes in order to promote circulation, relieve pain, warm the muscles, and remove blockages. E-Stim is beneficial for sports injuries, neurological disorders, chronic pain, spasms, and paralysis.
Moxibustion is a heat therapy that comes in many different forms and has been applied in treating a great range of diseases. Moxibustion is the burning of an herb at, on, or near an acupoint to stimulate the point, bringing an effect of warming, tonifying, and nourishing to the body. Commonly, Ai Ye, or Mugwort Leaf, is used in moxibustion therapy, and is an herb that warms the channels, stops bleeding, disperses cold, calms pain, dispels dampness, and stops itching.
Tui Na, which translates to “push and grasp”, is a therapeutic medical massage which has been used for thousands of years. Rhythmic massage techniques are used along different energy channels, acupoints, and groups of muscles in order to establish balance within the body. In addition, there is a subset of tui na specific to the treatment of pediatric conditions.